Before agreeing to hire us as your cat sitter, we offer a completely free, no obligation visit to your home to get to know you and your cat(s) and for you to decide if you're happy to go ahead with our pet sitting service. We will make detailed notes so we can put together a comprehensive care plan. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have.
The Meet and Greet appointment will include:
Getting to know your cat(s) to make sure they are comfortable in our company, If you decide to hire us, we will visit you again to collect your keys and to spend more time with your cat(s) just before you go away (free of charge). We believe it's worth investing the time in getting to know your cat, and them feeling at ease with us, before any sits begin.
Discussing your pets' needs in detail. For example, what they like to eat, their favourite toys, grooming, where they like to sleep, their characters and behaviours and how to behave around them. We will put together a comprehensive care plan for your pet(s), which we will email to you to check over before our work begins,
Scheduling the dates and times of our visits.
Discussing the security of your home - keys, locks, alarms, curtain opening and closing, lighting, removal of post, bin days, etc.
Discussing what to do if there is an emergency related to your pet or home.
Showing you our ID, DBS and insurance documents.
Providing you with a Pet Sitting Contract to read and sign if you're happy to go ahead and use our service. Click here to view an example of the contract.
Both Darren and Kim will attend the Meet & Greet so you can get to know us both. We will discuss with you whether you would like one or both of us to look after your cat. For example, if your cat is shy, you may prefer just one of us to visit. However, by meeting us both, should one of us be unable to attend a visit due to illness, for example, the other will always be able to cover.