We believe the benefits of keeping your cat at home while you're away far outweigh the benefits of taking them to a cattery. Cats are territorial and like routine and the comforts of their own home. The familiar sights, sounds and smells of their own home and territory are key to keeping them happy and stress free.
A pet sitter will also ensure your home is safe and provide you with more regular updates on your furry friends. Your cat will also get a lot more one to one attention.
A cattery may however be more suitable for you and your cat in some situations. Below, we outline what we believe to be the benefits of both options.
Home Comforts
There's no place like home for your cat. Cats love their home comforts and whether they sleep on your bed, their own bed or on the sofa, the familiar surroundings you provide for them at home are key to keeping them happy and stress free. Cats are territorial and feel most relaxed in their own surroundings.
No Travel
If your cat does not like travelling or being put in their pet carrier, leaving them at home relieves this stress. In addition, you do not have to spend time taking and collecting your pet from a cattery, which may not be local.
Personal Attention
A cat sitter will be able to provide your cat with more one to one attention, providing stimulation through play and comfort through brushing and even a little lap time. A cat sitter will aim to bond with your cat to ease any emotional stress they may feel in your absence.
Frequent Updates
Your cat sitter will provide you with updates after every visit, including messages, photos and even videos. We all miss our pets when we're away from home. Regular updates mean you will be reassured that your cat is safe and happy, putting your mind at ease, allowing you to enjoy your holiday.
A good cat sitter will also be available at all times to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.
Avoid Contact with Other Cats
As cats are territorial and don't always get on with other cats at first, leaving them in their own home avoids the stress of them having to be in close proximity to other cats (as would most likely happen at a cattery).
In addition, the risk of infectious disease is much less of a concern.
Home Security
Having a cat sitter visit your home once or twice a day also provides further peace of mind regarding the security of your home. A cat sitter can alert you to any security issues at your home while you're away. They can also enhance your home's security by opening and closing curtains, switching lights on and off, removing post visible from your letterbox, putting out the bins, along with added extras such as watering your houseplants! These things will usually be discussed with your pet sitter at an initial meeting.
A cattery may be a better fit for you and your cat
Just like a cat sitter, the staff at your cattery will be experienced and passionate about the welfare and wellbeing of your cat. Playtime and stimulation will be provided along with comfy beds and warm enclosures. You can take your cats own toys, bedding and food bowls to make the temporary transition as stress free as possible.
Your cat will be in a safe and secure place and in the event of a health emergency, there will always be someone on site to make sure your cat receives the necessary care. While a cat sitter can administer medication, if a cat is timid or spends lots of time outside, a cattery may be preferable to ensure tablets or injections are administered on time.
If you have multiple cats, a cattery should keep your cats together and not house them separately unless you instruct them to do so. This may also be dependant upon the availability of larger living spaces. It's important to make this clear when you book your cats into your chosen cattery.
If you have an outdoor cat, you sometimes worry where they are even when you're at home. If you're away from home, you're not there to call them in or go looking for them. However, if they're in a cattery they can't go wandering and get themselves into mischief.
If your cat spends time in a cattery from an early age or as a kitten, it will make the experience much easier for them in the future. When they become accustomed to staying in a cattery as a kitten, they can more easily adapt to their new surroundings on upcoming visits.
For some people, having a pet sitter visit their home can feel disconcerting. All pet sitters should be honest and trustworthy. They will usually show you their ID and security checks during the initial in person meeting. However, not everyone is comfortable with this kind of arrangement. Choosing to use a cattery means you don't have to have someone in your home in your absence.